Sunday, September 17, 2006

Re-Prepared Piano

This seems like an inevitable development, given where digital technology is going and what it has left in its wake to date. The Well-Tempered Blog, an always reliable source for all things piano, brings us this bit of news on digital recreationism, the re-recording, with corrections, of renowned piano recordings. Fascinating, disturbing, wonderful, heinous, I suppose a lot of perpsectives are possible. I'll even confess to being curious enough to make a purchase at some point, I mean, I wish Art Tatum and others had access to better instruments, too. But I won't be replacing anything in my personal library, that's for certain.

My soapbox self wants to state for the record, in front of God and everybody, that this is further proof of the live performance as a bastion of truth (Thus endeth the lesson...).

The source article, from The Observer, can be found here.

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