Friday, January 11, 2008

Moiseyev is worth a thousand words


Came across this photo of Igor Moiseyev from 1932 in Wikimedia Commons and just had to share. Now, I would never mock such an eminent figure as the late Mr. Moiseyev, he looks great actually - makes me want to go to the gym. But I would gently chide his wardrobe person, the name of whom is, no doubt, lost to the mists of time . . .

Do you think he has a sort of Conan the Barbarian look going with the costume?


Of course, these pictures have nothing whatever to do with the company Moiseyev founded (and which is coming to the Celebrity Series this month). The Moiseyev Dance Company looks more like this:


Which is the way he wanted them to look. Despite the old adage about pictures and a thousand words, I must say, as good as this photo is, the company looks much better in person. Stunning, actually.

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