Former theater critic and Sunday New York Times columnist Frank Rich is taking a leave of absence to write a book about American life since 9/11. Rich recently spoke to Joe Strupp (from Editor & Publisher) for an article in The Book Standard:
"This isn't just a slippery slope. It's a toboggan into chaos, or at least war. As everyone knows now—except for the 22 percent, according to a recent Harris poll, who still believe that Saddam helped plan 9/11—it's the truthiness of all those imminent mushroom clouds that sold the invasion of Iraq. What's remarkable is how much fictionalization plays a role in almost every national debate. Even after a big humbug is exposed as blatantly as Professor Marvel in The Wizard of Oz—FEMA's heck of a job in New Orleans, for instance—we remain ready and eager to be duped by the next tall tale. It's as if the country is living in a permanent state of suspension of disbelief."
Full text of article from The Book Standard
And clearly, he's doing more than just writing a book. Rich, you'll remember, comes to John Hancock Hall in Boston on February 12 as part of our new speakers series.
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