Saturday, June 3, 2006

Kapilow and company tackle Sondheim

Early in last night's Sondheim program, Rob Kapilow described the Broadway master with a definition of art by W.H. Auden, "Art is clear thinking about mixed feelings." Ambivalence, a hallmark of Sondheim's art, was indeed the analytical theme of the third and final What Makes It Great? outing of 2005-06. Among the nhighlights were Terri Klausner's thrilling rapid-fire vocals on "Not Getting Married" - which featured a nice comic/operatic turn by Carrie Cheron (if we do say so ourselves), and Michael Winther fully inhabiting his role, pointillistically painting his way through "Finishing the Hat."

After a full 80-minute program of songs by the great Broadway songster followed by a lively question and answer session, Winther, Klausner and Kapilow added one more number - unanalyzed, this time - from the Sondheim songbook: "No One Is Alone" from Into The Woods. Once again, Kapilow's audience went home humming.

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