Thursday, October 12, 2006

Henry Lim's lego harpsichord

Lim gets it done

Here is just one more reason why I love The Well-Tempered Blog. I trust WTB to keep me up to date on all things keyboard, and I'm never disappointed. This time he's found a project designed to appeal to the kid, the geek and the music lover in all of us - all at once. An über-geek (and don't think for a minute that I mean that as an insult) by the name of Henry Lim used over 100,000 legos to build a full-size, working harpsichord (while you and I were, no doubt, watching the new fall TV lineup or calling for pizza). Except for the strings, the entire thing is made of legos. Here is a detailed description, with photos (and an mp3!).

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