Friday, January 19, 2007

Give unto us Super Bowl Sunday


According to this article from, more people actually see advertisements during the Super Bowl than during most broadcasts because it is live. People watch it live and don't use DVR technology to tape it and skip the ads. In fact, we are told, many people taping the show are probably taping it to watch the ads later.

As a denizen of the performing arts, there was a time when all this self-referential media contemplation would have had me smirking, or even fuming. But all this attention is as it should be, considering that the Super Bowl is a national holiday. You can't just TiVo a national holiday.

Super Bowl Sunday 2007 is on February 4. And because we at the Celebrity Series respect holidays  (and because we are not crazy), we have not scheduled performances on Super Bowl Sunday (this year, or any other year).

We will, however, be presenting Complexions (Dwight Rhoden and Desmond Richardson's stunning dance company currently drawing raves at the Joyce Theatre in New York) on February 2 & 3  at the Tsai Performance Center, and country music star Kathy Mattea at Sanders Theatre on February 3. I recommend getting out and seeing something on February 2 and 3 before heading for the sofa. You can't just TiVo live performing arts, either.

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