Thursday, July 12, 2007

Traveling to outer space with Tiempo Libre

They want the whole world to dance the timba

Tiempo Libre is a wild ride. Here is a taste of an interview Jorge Gomez, music director of the Miami-based group, gave to, of Bloomington, Illinois:

"[Jorge] Gomez, 35, describes the Tiempo Libre sound as a spicy salsa that combines elements of Latin jazz and traditional Cuban and Afro-Cuban music. It is then fortified by the rhythmic tradition of the timba sound, the inherently Cuban subdivision of salsa characterized by its more aggressive beat.

To convey that ramped-up approach, Gomez promises that Tiempo Libre is every bit as visual a stage experience as it is an aural one.

'We jump,' he says.

'We dance,' he promises.

'We travel to outer space,' he swears.

Figuratively speaking, of course?

Gomez laughs. But he doesn't say 'Yes.'"

Read the complete interview here.

If you haven't already figured it out, "Tiempo Libre" is Spanish for "free time," which is what you need to make some of when Tiempo Libre makes their Celebrity Series debut at the Berklee Performance Center on April 12. By the way, you can subscribe to the Celebrity Series online right now or you can buy individual tickets to Tiempo Libre and other trips to outer space starting September 10.

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