Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Van Cliburn Foundation YouTube contest

The Van Cliburn Foundation has jumped on the user-generated content bandwagon. The venerable piano competition will offer automatic entry into its regular piano competition - you know, the famous one - to winners of this amateur video piano performance contest. Read about it here. Submit your piano video here. Buy your piano here. Buy your video camera, er, I'll let you figure that one out.

Personally, I think this guy should enter, I mean, the repertoire is a little unorthodox, but with a mug like his, he's a shoe-in:


  1. hi - thanks for the recognition!
    I wanted to clarify that the prize is automatic entry into our regular AMATEUR competition (the next is in 2011) - not the professional one coming up next summer (you know - Olga Kern...?)
    Van Cliburn Foundation

  2. We vote for Leslie Hammes to win
