The Lar Lubovitch Dance Company brings its 40th Anniversary Tour to Boston December 12 & 13 (it is also the company's Celebrity Series debut). Gia Kourlas interviewed choreographer Lar Lubovitch for this week's Time Out New York. In this snippet, Lubovitch talks about his work, Jangle, which is on the Boston program:
"[TONY:] Talk about the new work, Jangle.
{LUBOVITCH:] It’s to Bartok, and it’s subtitled “Four Hungarian Dances.” It is about a way of dancing, described by Bartok’s music, and it’s very Slavic; he often quotes folk tunes and gypsy melodies. Bartok’s music reaches a very wide range but there’s an area of it that’s very evocative of Slavic folk dance, and more than anything that’s really what this dance seeks to do: to paint an image of Bartok’s Slavic dance-inspired music. What the costume designer and I discussed was having these people look like they were walking down a street in Budapest in about 1936, and that there were street musicians on a corner, and that they spontaneously danced as a crowd gathered and were drawn into a unplanned street party."
There is quite a bit more of this interview available here.
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